Hi, I am Vera Ng’oma, a leadership, personal and career development enabler and a passionate advocate for tangible excellence. I am in the business of seeding high quality understanding, stimulating productive mindsets and providing top notch products and services to help organizations leverage their strengths, achieve bold goals and make their mark.
I have been privileged to do work in several industries over 15 years’ experience working in pivotal roles in communications, news media, education and training and international development and NGO sector. My experience spanning different size and both national and global organizations has afforded me the hands on knowledge of the challenges facing both individuals and companies.
I am founder of Excellica, an institute that helps build stronger workplaces, enables more women advance into leadership and young people to transition well into the world of work. I work with organizations to improve their leadership culture, promote entrepreneurial behaviour and ultimately optimize the value and talent of their people.
Through writing, speaking, coaching, consulting and training I am committed to using practical and fit for purpose ways of educating, equipping and inspiring people and workplaces to act to become effective, excellent and exceptional.
My Philosophy
I have always been about excellence, making a difference and raising the bar and helping others to do the same. I believe we have more control over the quality of our professional lives than we take ownership or credit for. Through my own example and my work, I communicate an unflinching call to high quality personal leadership, to mattering in one’s environment and proactively operating from one’s highest ideals rather than reacting to current circumstances.
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