I work with people to pursue their professional and career goals and succeed. Each coaching session with me is designed to help you move from where you are towards where you could be. I help you clarify what you need to do and to hone the guts to do it one small one small decision at a time. You’ll leave each session with ideas that you can put into action quickly and consistently with tangible results. Of course the results you achieve will depend on your commitment and the actions you take.

Some specific coaching programmes I offer are;

  • Born to blossom (personal development)

I help you develop the competencies you need, to leverage your strengths and to reframe your mindset in a way that enables you increase your value.

  • Ascension (Career mentorship)

I help you build credibility and translate your skills sets and professional assets in ways that strengthens your relevance and propels you and your career.

  • LeadeRRise (Leadership enhancement)

I help you improve your leadership of yourself, of people and of teams, to strategically deal with your work and to increase your effectiveness as a leader.

  • Excellivate (developing your brilliance)

I help you develop the mindset and habits for achieving excellence and to use these together with your strengths to elevate yourself to new and higher levels.

If you think you could benefit from my coaching email vera@verangoma.com